Small Set Backs
Hello and welcome back to my blog! Just when everything seemed to be falling into place for our film project, a curveball was thrown our way. Andres, one of our group members and the persons whose house we are planned to use became sick. With his health as the top priority, we had to postpone filming at his house.
With this unexpected setback, I didn’t want it to ruin our plans entirely. Instead, I saw it as an opportunity to regroup and replan.
The first thing I wanted to do was make some changes to the storyboard. Instead of started off in the kitchen, I thought it would be better to start with some establishing shots of the house. This way, our viewers would be better eased into the plot. I also realized that our warped lamp and mis-colored plant scene were not going to be effective. I decided to test out editing it in my house, and found out that it wasn’t as easy as it seemed. When I tried to color the plant, parts of the background also became colored and it looked very bad. The tutorials I saw online required me to used a paid version of my editing software.
The same issue occurred for the lamp. I tried blurring or pixelating a video of a lamp in my living room, but the filter glitched in and out. I tried again using different lighting, but saw no change.
With these two clearly not working, my group and I decided to extend the T.V scene. Instead, I suggested having one character believe the T.V was playing a show, when in reality it was actually static. With everyone in agreement, we were ready to film and much better movie than before. Now all that is left is waiting for Andres to feel better. This is Kyra signing off!
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