Review Blog: The Final Touches

Hello and welcome back to my blog! My journey through this music video process has been an interesting one, but it is now coming to an end. However, we still had one last issue. Something was missing from our editing in our music video, but we weren't sure what it was. 

At first, I thought it was clip lengths. Maybe the scenes were too long and therefore making the video seem boring or uninteresting. When I rewatched the video, I realized it wasn't the length, but instead the editing. I brought this up to my group members and they agreed that we needed to add another editing technique to our video. After some deliberation, we decided to add a split screen at the beginning of the video. This split screen would allow us to show more of the getting ready process in an easy and eye-catching way. It also wouldn't add any extra time to the video. 

Now that the minor issues were resolved, it was time to review the video. While reviewing the video, I counted out all the mise en scene used in our videos. For the costumes, we chose formal attire of black suits to demonstrate the status of the rich boys and the material girl. The poor boy, on the other hand, was a direct contrast with a simple t-shirt and jeans on. We used bright lighting, relying on the sun to brighten the video. Our rich actors acted posh and high class, walking with their heads high. The only use of makeup we had was on the material girl. She wore bright red lipstick and false lashes. For props, we used shopping bags, fake money, a love note, and a fancy watch. 

Once I finished reviewing, I showed the video to my friends and family, who also enjoyed our final product. With that, the music video was done. This is Kyra signing off!


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