Our Great Pitch
Hello and welcome back to my blog! Here are the two pitches that my group and u came up with.
Pitch A: Jack lives a happy life, but his persistent migraines and flashbacks leads him to realize he's been in a coma from a drunk driving accident.
Pitch B: Alex, who thought his life was a perfect fairytale, realizes that a single song has allowed him to escape the reality of his abusive household.
The first pitch interested us because we thought the idea would be fun to execute and that it would creatively challenge us. To create this film we would have to find a way to incorporate complicated scenes, like a car crash, with the limited resources we have available to us. However, as a group, we all got together and discussed the practicality of each scene we wanted to film and also discussed alternatives we could use if a scene din't come out as we planned. This yielded successful results and we were all confident that we could make this film come to life. Another reason we liked this pitch was because we knew we could have a cohesive beginning, middle, and end that told an exciting story. Lastly, we really wanted to embrace the social issue of substance abuse, and this film would allow us to do so. Our film would show that the main character got into a car crash due to his existing problems with alcohol, and because that is such a prevalent issue in today's society we wanted to bring awareness to it.
Our second pitch was also appealing to us, mostly because we liked the uniqueness of it. We would be able to tackle the social issue of abusive households by showing a coping mechanism many people use, and we thought that the plot twist in which we would reveal this was very intriguing. However, what made us think twice about this pitch was that we did not think we could extend the plot long enough to have a sufficient beginning, middle, and end. Since our film has to last five minutes, we feared the film becoming repetitive and boring at parts, and we also didn't think that our idea would come across very well in the film. Even further, many of us didn't think that this film would challenge us creatively, and therefore we thought that we would not enjoy producing it.
Since we found pitch B to have many setbacks manuwe thought the After weighing both pitch ideas we realized that the first pitch seemed to be the better option as we thought it would be more fun to film and would leave us with many avenues to take our creative direction.
So, after much debate and analysis, we found pitch B to be too repetitive and uninteresting, and thus we decided to choose...
Pitch A: Jack lives a happy life, but his persistent migraines and flashbacks leads him to realize he's been in a coma from a drunk driving incident.
This is Kyra signing off!
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