Group Blog: New Crew
Hello and welcome back to my blog! For my short film, I decided to partner with three of my friends: Andres, Yasmin, and Marvin. Together I’m certain we will make a great film and put in a lot of hard work. Let me introduce you to each of my group members.
Andres is one of the people I decided I wanted to work with. I met Andres my freshman year in my law class. It was here that I learned how creative he was, which I knew would be perfect for making a interesting and entertaining film. My suspicions were confirmed when I saw the the amazing and sometime hilarious work he produced in AS Level Media. He is super kind, smart, and knows how to think outside the box. Because of this, I decided he was perfect for my group.
Yasmin is another one of the people I wanted to work with. Like Andres, I met Yasmin my freshman year in my law class. However, we got closer in my sophomore year when she joined the mock trial team. Yasmin is know for her mind blowing intelligence and her dedication to her work. I knew she would be perfect for making sure everyone stayed on task while working on this film.
Finally, Marvin is the last person in my group. I met Marvin in middle school and we’ve been friends since. We both have a passion for law and mock trial. I worked with him last year to film my commercial, and he was a great group member. Marvin loves photography and is really good at filming and will be great for figuring out creative angles to film with. He always knows how to lighten the mood, even when in a stressful situation.
Now that I’ve found my group, I can’t wait to start the process of preparing for my film. Thank you for tuning in. This is Kyra signing off!
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