Filming Blog: Off To A Good Start

Hello and welcome back to my blog! Now that I’ve finished all my research and preparation, my group and I decided to start filming. Since my film takes place in the morning, I wanted it be bright outside. To account for this, my group started filming immediately after school was over. 

When I got to Hailey’s house, I knew there would be a few things to do before the filming started. The most important thing that I had to do was make sure that the environment was silent. Since the film is about the last girl on Earth, there cannot be any signs of other human life in the film. This meant that Hailey’s family could not be seen or heard anytime throughout the film. To ensure this was the case, I made sure that any room we wanted to film in was empty. To make sure it was quiet, Hailey’s parents and siblings were kinda enough to go to the park while we filmed. 

The filming processed started in Hailey’s bedroom. I wanted it to seem like an early morning, so I turned off the lights but opened a window to make sure there was good lighting. The first scene of Hailey waking up was difficult to film, as I kept on laughing at Hailey’s fake “sleep.” However, once this was filmed, my group was able to get a really good shot reverse-shot. A low angle was then used to show Hailey getting out of bed. When it came to Hailey getting ready in the mirror, I had to record that part. I was the only one who was able to position myself so that wouldn’t be seen in the mirror. The over the shoulder short that I were able to get was very clean and allowed for a creative reveal of one of the titles.

 Once the bathroom scenes were finished, I suggested that we took a short break. I was able to get hydrated and have a snack before the filming commenced. This is Kyra signing off!


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