Preparation Blog: Scoping the Place Out

Hello and welcome back to my blog! Last week I planned to visit oceanwalk mall. However, since I was not in the county, I decided to research on the safety of the abandoned mall. While this research proved to be very helpful, it couldn’t replace the real experience. So, now that I’m back from my trip, I decided to go check it out. 

While, I could have waited for the weekend to visit the mall, I decided to go after school since it was a Monday. This is meant not many people would be around, since the mall is by Hollywood beach and people only tend be down there on the weekends. After my mom picked me up from school, we drove to oceanwalk mall. My mom parked a bit away from the actual mall, so I had to walk for a few minutes. With me I had my phone to use as a flashlight in case it was dark and to contact anybody in case of an emergency. Once I got to the mall I was surprised to see that the entrance was still in such good condition. I approach the entrance doors and opened them to go inside. Inside the building was fully illuminated, with the lights throughout the place. The lights will reduced the risk of me and my group members falling over something when it’s time to record our video. As I continued to explore, I found that nobody was there and it was really quiet. This is perfect for my opening sequence , as I want it to appear like the main character is all alone. 

After looking around for a couple of minutes, I decided it was time to head home. While exploring, I found many cool places to record for the film. I was also able to get familiar with the layout of the mall, so I won’t get lost on the day I do the filming. I’m so excited to come back and start making my film. But until then, it’s time to keep preparing. This is Kyra signing off!


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