Title Research: The Darkest Minds

Hello and welcome back to my blog!

1. What titles are displayed during the opening sequences? 

During the opening scene of the film “The Darkest Minds” which is set in a dystopian future and was found on the website of “Art of the Title,” displayed titles such as who it was directed by, the studio who produced the film, the actors and casting directors. 

2. What images are prioritized in the opening sequence? 

The images that were prioritized in the opening sequence were flashes of settings that were important in the film along with the titles that were also in the color of the powers that the children had in the film. 
3. What connotations do these images carry? 

The connotations that these images carried were slightly mysterious as the image went from pitch black to a color setting back and forth while also fading in and out the titles. 

4. How does the film establish a feeling of the genre from the outset? 

The way that the film establishes a feeling of the dystopian genre from the outset is by showing the hierarchy within the film which is common in dystopian movies. In the film, they applied the colors of each level of powers within the individuals of the film, which is a vital part of it.  

5. What strategies are used to ensure the film appeals to its target audience? 

The strategies that were used to ensure that the film appeals to the dystopian genre audience is that they showed key places within the film that show a dystopian society which clashes all together at the end in order to keep the viewer captivated and maintain the adrenaline that fans of dystopias seek for. 

6. How has technology been used effectively? You want to consider camera angles,  
transitions and editing techniques. 

The way that technology was effectively used in this film was by applying editing techniques such as transitions of fading in and out the titles and the images. Regarding the camera angles, there were high angles effectively used to emphasize an image to the audience. 

This is Kyra signing off!


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