Planning Blog: Location, Participants , Health, Schedule

Hello and welcome back to my blog! 

Our starting location for the beginning scene where the girl wakes up will likely be one of the team members houses, depending on who's house is accessible on film day. If none of our houses are available, we might change to mood a bit by having the subject wake up in a field. Then, our location will change to an empty street as the girl searches its empty remains. She will enter a shop, and see no one is there. Then a cinema, and see no one is there. She will try doors upon doors in different locations, but will ultimately end up dizzy with confusion and fear back in the street. 

I will play the subject in this final task. Kyra will be our director, along with the hand on my shoulder in the final scene. Alessandra will produce and edit the film. While finding actors posed no issues, we ran into some trouble with where we were filing. We were having significant issues finding a suitable location for numerous reasons. 

Firstly, all the abandoned towns we wanted to film at were hours away from where we live and would in no way be possible to visit. Secondly, the locations we researched close to home were closed off and we could get arrested for trespassing if we went to those places. Not to mention the pictures of those place looked incredibly dangerous. We plan to ensure every location we visit isn't unstable or in danger of breaking down. And, we will have an adult with us at all times. In terms of scheduling, we have a list of dates in which we plan to complete the final task:

1. 3/5/23- Storyboard all scenes

2. 3/11/23- Visit abandoned mall to see if its a suitable filming location

3. 3/5/23, 3/10/23, 3/14/23, 3/16/23- Film days

4. 4/4/23- Editing day

This is Kyra signing off!


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