Update Blog: Murphy's Law

 Hello and welcome back to my blog! This past weekend I learned that Murphy's Law was no fable: "Anything that can go wrong will go wrong." Unfortunately for me, all my group's plans to film our music video fell apart one by one. 

The first thing that went wrong was our props. I ordered everything online from Party City. In a rush to get all the supplies I needed, I put a bunch of items into my cart without reading the reviews. Early morning Saturday, I went to pick them up a few hours before our film time. Once I got back to the car and opened the package, my heart sank to my stomach. The most important prop, the fake money, wasn't even half the size of my hand. I was left with no choice but to try and print prop money from home.

The cherry on top of our situation was our actors. It was a long break, so everyone had nothing but vacation and Thanksgiving on their minds. It was only the day before filming that I remembered our plans. When I went to remind everyone that we needed to film, multiple people had to pull out due to last-minute plans. Some had to work, others had to help family members out, and one actor even got sick. I tried to contact everyone I knew to see if anyone could fill in. After a few text messages and calls, it was clear nobody would be able to come on such short notice. 

With only 2 actors, missing props, and a heart filled with disappointment, I knew there was no way the original date could work. Working with my group members, we came up with a new date of December 10th. This new date was still on a Saturday but was still far enough to time to replan everything. Next time I will make sure to remind everyone of our filming dates at least 3 days in advance. This is Kyra signing off! 


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