Filming Blog: If At First You Don't Succeed, Try Again


Hello and welcome back to my blog! After my group finished filming the scenes with the poor boy in them, it was time to do the rest. 

The first scene I filmed was an over-the-shoulder shot of our material girl collecting money from the rich boys. I chose to film this at an eye-level angle to show them as being of equal socioeconomic standing. Next, I filmed the scene where the material girl walks out of a store with bags in her hands,  and the rich boys hold open the doors for her. I used a long shot to fully capture her fancy outfit, showing her expensive taste. 

After I filmed that scene, we got ready to find another store to film in when I was stopped by a security guard. As he approached us, I got super nervous that he was going to tell us to stop filming. However, it turned out to be the opposite. The security instead checked in on us and just made sure that we weren't being disruptive to shoppers. Once he saw that we were being respectful and filming a school project, he kindly said his goodbyes and headed off. 

Now that we were back in the clear, we had to film another store that would let us film. I went from designer store to designer store and was met with the same answer from all of them, a no. By the time I faced my fifth rejection I was feeling pretty defeated and almost gave up. Nonetheless, I decided to try one last store, Breitling. When my group went in and explained what we were doing, they were more than happy to let us film. While in there, I took a tracking shot of the material girl looking through the watches and choosing the one she wants. The employees were kind enough to let her try on one, so I was also able to a close-up of it being placed on her wrist. Next, I filmed a pan of one of the actors pulling out his money and handing it to the cashier to pay for the watch. Finally, I filmed our material girl walking out of the store with her rich minions holding all her bags. I was so thankful for the store's help with our film!

In closing, we filmed a few more scenes of the outdoor scenery and the boys following around the material girl before we called it a day. Just like that, our first day of filming was complete. This is Kyra signing off!


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