Filming Blog: Getting Dolled Up

 Hey guys and welcome back to my blog! After much hard work, my group finished our first day of filming. All the walking around in the hot Florida weather did a number on us, so we decided to stop and eat somewhere at the mall. When we got to the restaurant, we started to discuss filming the second part of our video. I knew we couldn't film Sunday, since I would be busy that day. So, I suggested filming during the middle of the week and everyone agreed. Our location for the second day of filming was Hailey's house.

Hailey's room was our main setting for the film. I thought it was the perfect mix of feminine and cutesy, which really matched the character she was playing. I started the process off by having our material girl wear a white robe to show her process of getting ready. This provided an interesting contrast between before and after she prepares for her day at the mall. The first scene I filmed was an over-the-shoulder shot of the material girl putting on her makeup. We had makeup spread out on the counter to show how glammed up she was getting. I shot I got had the material girl put a quick swipe of red lipstick on her lips as she looked into the mirror. Next, we wanted to do a spinning transition from her robe to her dress. However, filming this ended up being more difficult than we thought. I made sure the camera was placed in the exact same spot for each shot of her spinning. This was to make sure it would look smooth while being edited. After that, I got a close-up of her putting on her signature sunglasses. The final scene we filmed was a very simple one. It showed the material girl grabbing her keys and heading out the door. 

With that, our filming process was finished. Now, the next thing on our list is to edit all the clips together. This is Kyra signing off!


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