Filming Blog: A Busy Day At The Mall


Hello and welcome back to my Blog! December 10th from 2 pm to 3 pm was the new filming date that everyone agreed on. While our luck was better this time around, some things still went wrong. 

For instance, we planned to have our video filmed on an actual camera instead of our phones. I was given the responsibility of taking home the camera. However, I forgot to charge it the night before. I only realize that the camera was dead once I got to the mall and it didn't turn on! Instead, I had to offer my phone to film since it had the best camera.

Another mishap we faced was missing actors. An hour before we had to film, I sent out a text to everybody confirming that everyone could still make it. 20 minutes before our meeting time, our original actor for the poor boy had to pull out. I had to text everyone I knew to try and find a last-minute replacement actor. After a few minutes, I got somebody to fill in, but they would be a bit late. 

Once I got to the mall, I went to our meet-up spot, which was the Gucci store. The replacement actor didn't come until 3 pm, so we were behind schedule by an hour. He also couldn’t stay for long, so we had to film all the scenes he was in first. 

For the first scene we filmed, I used a tilt to move from the love note the poor boy was holding to the material girl walking past. Next, I filmed a tracking shot of the material girl walking down the sidewalk before she is stopped by the poor boy. He gives her the note, but she denies it and walks away. The final scene I filmed with the poor boy was the ending. Here I used another tracking shot of the material girl counting all the money she gets from the rich boys before joining arms with the poor boy and walking away with him. With that, we let the actor leave and got ready to film our next scenes. This is Kyra signing off!



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