Research Blog: What Makes A Pop Video Pop?


Hello and welcome back to my blog!

My group ultimately decided on the song Material Girl by Madonna. The genre is pop, and it specifically was a viral pop hit of the 80s. 


In a pop video, there is typically a connection between the lyrics and the images and a performance by the artist to help the audience remember the performer and the song. Pop videos are typically colorful and vibrant concerning lighting because the audience finds them to be aesthetically pleasing. Pop videos frequently have themes with vivid and striking colors.

1) In this specific video, this is seen in the vibrant red backdrop, Madonna's bright pink dress, shiny jewelry, and bright chandeliers. 

  • We also see colorful backdrops in music videos such as the song 

2) Fergalicious by Fergie. Here, we see the variety of colors in the outfits and the candy-inspired background.

3) 7 rings- Ariana Grande. Here we see a variety of bright pink neon lights illuminating the video. 


Additionally, fashion is up-to-date (with the time of release) to equally appeal to a large and young audience. Artists dress in current, stylish, and fashionable attire. Some music videos feature a variety of costumes and attire. This may be done to support the story or to demonstrate how current and fashionable that particular artist is.

 In the 80s, dresses with long sleeves or gloves with bright colors were of trend, which is accurately represented in the video with Madonna's elegant pink dress and matching gloves. She also briefly wears a red dress that goes along with the fashion trends of the time.


Pop songs also generally make references to money or wealth.

1) In Material World, this is shown as Madonna throws cash, through her expensive and shiny jewelry, and the fancy chandeliers.

  • Wealth is also shown in other music videos such as 

2) Look what you made me do- Taylor Swift. Here, Taylor sits in a bathtub full of expensive jewels and jewelry 

3) 24k Magic-Bruno Mars. Here, Bruno is dressed in gold chains, designer shoes, designer clothes, and jewelry, and performs in mansions and expensive cars.

4) 7 rings- Ariana Grande. Here, we see Ariana wearing multiple designer dresses and layers of expensive jewelry as she sings about her wealth.


Close-ups are frequently utilized in music videos because they make it easier for the viewer to recognize the musician.

This is Kyra signing off!


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