Group Blog: Switching Things Up

Hello and welcome back to my blog. For my upcoming project, I decided to switch up my group and work with some new people. Working with Mya and Marvin was a great experience. We divided up the tasks equally, got everything done on time, and had very clear communication. Nonetheless, I wanted to work with my other friends, as I thought it would be more fun. Moving into this second project, my standards for group members have not changed. I still look for responsible and hardworking teammates. With all of this in mind, I decided to work with my friends Isabel, Hailey, and Alessandra. 

I met Hailey back in ninth grade at our orientation. She was super sweet and we quickly became friends. besides her amazing personality, she is also very hard-working. Not only does she juggle multiple college and honors level classes, but she also earns top grades in these classes. With her ability to stay highly organized, I knew she would make an amazing group member. I met Isabel at the beginning of the school year in my court procedures class. She was very kind to me and her humor made every class enjoyable. Isabel also is very intelligent and has great problem-solving skills. If we meet any obstacles while making our music video, I'm sure she'll be the first person to find a solution. The last person in our group is Alessandra. I met her at the beginning of the year in my AICE Media class. As I got to know her, I saw that she was a hard worker and an amazing person like everyone else in the group. With everyone being such good friends, working together will be much easier as there is no awkwardness. 

While we are all unique and have our own interests there are some things we all had in common. Not only do we all love pop music, but we also have a great interest in social issues. Because of this, we made the decision to choose a pop song. The song that we ended up choosing is Material Girl by Madonna. I really love this song and can't wait to see what my group creates. This is Kyra signing off!


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