Filming Blog: Around Campus


Hey everyone, welcome back to my blog! My group and I started our filming on Friday, September 30th. I arrived at school dressed for our filming in a black pantsuit. Since I would be filming most scenes, I brought my phone and ensured it was fully charged. Everyone met during second period to start the process. Due to unexpected circumstances, one of the members had to leave early. To make up for this, we change some things and I had to film the member's introduction and the ending early. I wanted to make sure that we were using a variety of shots and camera techniques, so I started our first scene with a pan of the courtroom while the first few members did their introductions. After this, I ran out to the senior patio to film the next scene. I got a great two-shot of the next member, who was sleeping on a bench, being awoken then telling the camera their name. For the following scene, it was me and Marvin's turn to give our introductions, so we let another member film the scene. When it came to the final introduction, we had a change of plans. Originally, the last two members were going to film in front of the cafeteria. However, it turned out that the local law enforcement and their horses were on campus. With the permission of the officers, I took an over-the-shoulder shot of Mya approaching the last two members to give their introduction. The final scene that I shot was a clip of our main prop, the gavel, being banged. While I re-filmed many of the scenes to get them looking the way I wanted, I re-filmed the gavel scene the most. I wanted a good close-up of the gavel being banged loud enough. After I got the perfect shot, our filming process was finished. It took a little over an hour to film all the scenes. While we finished filming, we still had our editing process ahead of us. This is Kyra signing off!


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