Planning For my School PSA Commercial

Hey guys, welcome back to my blog!


Being that my group and I came to an agreement to make a commercial promoting the Fort Lauderdale High Mock Trial Team, the main prop we will use is a gavel. We will also use other props like a podium and a trophy.


In our commercial, we will have 8 subjects in total. This includes all three of our group members at one point along with 5 other people who are members of the Fort Lauderdale High Mock Trial Team. They would all be wearing “court attire”. This means they would dress up as if they were going to court. For the boys, this would include button-up dress shirts that are long-sleeved and could be any color, with any color tie. For bottoms, they would wear dress slacks and for shoes, they would be dress-up style shoes. For the girls, there can be variations. The girls may wear button-up dress shirts like the guys, blouses or a dress. For bottoms, they can wear skirts or dress slacks and for shoes, they may wear either heels or flats. Everyone can wear their hair as they please. The whole vision behind the costumes is for everyone to look professional. 


On 09/27/22, our group researched conventions and codes of school PSAs.

On 09/29/22, our group establish the props, costumes, schedules, location list, and a backup plan.

On 09/30/22, our group will create the storyboard for the commercial.

On 10/06/22, our group will film and record the necessary shots for our commercial.

On 10/08/22, our group will edit and add the final touches to the commercial.

Location List:

The main location we will use is the courtroom of Fort Lauderdale High School. In the courtroom, we will film to show the place where the mock trial team practices, prepares and sometimes performs with our 8 subjects. This will help get across the message to help promote the Mock Trial Team. But there are some variations as to the locations and amount of subjects. 

We will use various locations across Fort Lauderdale High School. This could include in front of the media center, lunch eating area, and other places. We will film adding 1 subject to the shots each time, so we will start off with 1 subject in the courtroom, then add another subject each shot at a different location on the school campus doing different things until we get to the full 8 subjects. We will then end with all 8 subjects in the courtroom with a final message. 

Backup Plan:

If the weather is not good, we will film in locations that are covered. This will still include the courtroom and other places like in front of the media center, near the stairwell, etc but won’t include the senior patio due to there being no covering. If one of our group members is absent, then one of the actors would take the position of camerawoman.

This is Kyra signing off!


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