Group Blog

Hello and welcome back to my blog! For my upcoming commercial project, I decided to work with my friends Marvin Exantus and Mya Aly. When deciding who I wanted to work with I knew I didn't want a group that was too big. Oftentimes with too many people in a group, it can be hard to effectively communicate and accommodate everybody's needs and suggestions. I also knew that my group members had to be responsible and hard workers. With is information in mind, I chose to work with my two friends.

The first person I chose was Marvin. I met him in middle school and once we found out that we would be attending the same high school we became close friends. Us both having a passion for mock trial gave us something we had in common. Since I knew that I wanted someone who wouldn't slack off and leave me with all the work, he was a perfect choice. Being close friends also makes working together much easier because there is no awkwardness or difficulty bonding.

The second person I chose was Mya. She and I first met during my freshman year of high school. We both joined the mock trial team and it is there that I truly got to know her. She is our mock trial team captain and the definition of responsibility. Every time I see her she is working hard and getting what she needs to do done. During all our practices and meetings there were two things we had in common, our passion for mock trial and our dedication to doing our best. 

While on the mock team, we all gave up hours of our free time to perfect our craft and eventually won our competition. From this experience, I saw how amazing, entertaining, and committed they were to reaching success and knew they would be perfect to work with. Having a shared interest in mock trial, we decided there would be no better thing to advertise than our school's mock trial team. With our teacher's approval, we formed our group and decided what everyone was going to do. I love working with cameras, so I decided to do the filming. Marvin chose to work on the editing and Mya went with the directing. When it comes to other tasks like acting in our film and working on group assignments, we decided to split the load evenly. I'm super excited and can't wait to see what amazing commercial we produce. This is Kyra signing off!


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