
Showing posts from November, 2022

Storyboard Blog: Mapping Things Out

Hello and welcome back to my blog! First Scene: In the first scene, an over-the-shoulder shot and medium close-up will be used to see our material girl getting ready for the day while looking at the mirror. This scene will be filmed at Isabel's house, not at the mall.  Second Scene: In the second scene, our actress will be on her way out while grabbing her car keys and walking to her car. This scene will be filmed from behind at eye level to help transition between the two locations.  Third Scene:  In the third scene, our material girl’s car will pull up to the mall. Surrounding designer stores will be shown as the car drives by. As it begins to slow down, it would be filmed using a tracking shot at a high angle.  Fourth Scene:  In the fourth scene, our actress will get helped out of the car and will have a line of boys waiting for her. To display her elegant outfit, a tilt will be used before it transitions into a wide shot to show all the boys around her....

Planning Blog: Putting It All Together

  Hello and welcome back to my blog! Props: Since we chose the song Material Girl, we plan to display a young girl living a lavish lifestyle. To portray this, we plan to use fake money, sunglasses, and a feather boa as our props.  Costumes: In our video, we will have one main subject, our material girl, with others playing supporting roles. The material girl, they would be dressed up in long gloves, fake pearls, and a nice long dress, preferably pink. To fit the stereotype of a gold-digger, they would also wear a blonde wig, a feather boa, and expensive-looking sunglasses. The actress would have on light makeup, with the bold part being some red lipstick.  For the lower-class boys, we would have them dress in casual clothing, such as jeans and a hoodie. Any lower-class girls would dress in similar casual clothing but may wear skirts, short dresses, or shorts as well. On the other hand, the boys playing upper-class roles would dress in formal attire. This would include a w...

Research Blog: What Makes A Pop Video Pop?

  Hello and welcome back to my blog! My group ultimately decided on the song Material Girl by Madonna. The genre is pop, and it specifically was a viral pop hit of the 80s.  BACKDROPS AND LIGHTING: In a pop video, there is typically a connection between the lyrics and the images and a performance by the artist to help the audience remember the performer and the song. Pop videos are typically colorful and vibrant concerning lighting because the audience finds them to be aesthetically pleasing. Pop videos frequently have themes with vivid and striking colors. 1) In this specific video, this is seen in the vibrant red backdrop, Madonna's bright pink dress, shiny jewelry, and bright chandeliers.  We also see colorful backdrops in music videos such as the song  2) Fergalicious by Fergie. Here, we see the variety of colors in the outfits and the candy-inspired background. 3) 7 rings- Ariana Grande. Here we see a variety of bright pink neon lights illuminating the video....

Group Blog: Switching Things Up

Hello and welcome back to my blog. For my upcoming project, I decided to switch up my group and work with some new people. Working with Mya and Marvin was a great experience. We divided up the tasks equally, got everything done on time, and had very clear communication. Nonetheless, I wanted to work with my other friends, as I thought it would be more fun. Moving into this second project, my standards for group members have not changed. I still look for responsible and hardworking teammates. With all of this in mind, I decided to work with my friends Isabel, Hailey, and Alessandra.  I met Hailey back in ninth grade at our orientation. She was super sweet and we quickly became friends. besides her amazing personality, she is also very hard-working. Not only does she juggle multiple college and honors level classes, but she also earns top grades in these classes. With her ability to stay highly organized, I knew she would make an amazing group member. I met Isabel at the beginning of...

Intro Blog: It's Me Again!

  Hello and welcome back to my blog. I just completed my first project and it was so much fun! Taking the time out to film and edit a commercial was hard work, but I enjoyed every bit of it. Through this project, I learned a lot about using different camera angles, editing techniques, and mise-en-scene. While I have made some improvements compared to my first day of AICE Media Studies, I still have a long way to go. My new project, a music video, will be two times longer and will require even more time and understanding of media techniques. With this music video, I hope to make major improvements and have even more fun.  As a dancer, a critical part of dancing is music. Whether the genre is tap, ballet, jazz, or hip-hop, alongside my dancing there is always music. To tell stories through my performance, I can't just use my body, I need something that speaks to people as well. Even though we all may have our differences, music is the one thing that can connect people globally. ...